TOM Learning and Therapy Systems

TOM Learning and Therapy Systems
TOM Learning and Therapy Systems

Our TOM Learning System is a completely new method of promoting children suffering from lack of perceptive faculty or retarded development.

With the support of technically modified, three-dimensional wooden objects both teachers and technicians have worked on this system in order to offer these patients new, software-controlled learning systems.


The ACTIVITY-Board is an even, flat tableau.

Using an electronic sensor it recognises the child’s play activities (choice of objects) and transmits this information to the software via a USB-interface.

The ACTIVITY-Board and the technically adapted three-dimensional wooden toys are the only means for using the learning and therapy programmes.

TOM has been approved by the Austrian Ministry of Education and Arts!

Own Objects

With the new "Own Objects" TOM can be used even more flexible! It is now possible to add own objects to the system and integrate them into the training sessions.

You can put your own objects on a wooden disc equipped with a computer chip. The voice output and the image can be added as well. For example, objects of a specific subject area (kitchen, workshop ..) but also photos of classmates can be added to the system and can used in the training sessions.

A box "Own Objects" contains 5 own objects.

Download the new TOM software

You can download the new TOM software on:



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